Helping a loved one to pay their healthcare expense is easier and more affordable than ever with mediBucks.

Day-to-day healthcare hurdles are simply a part of life, right? However, there are those for whom even the most basic of private healthcare access can be a real stumbling block – are you helping a loved one with this financial struggle?

mediBucks may be just what you need to help address the primary healthcare concerns of those dependent on you, quickly and in the most affordable way.

The mediBucks difference –
great healthcare for less

mediBucks is a dedicated healthcare payment gateway that provides your medically uninsured loved ones with access to cost effective primary healthcare services within a large network of private healthcare providers at affordable pre-negotiated rates. Pre-negotiated rates for healthcare services means that you and your loved ones know what the cost will be upfront.

What’s more, mediBucks can only be used by the intended person, for the payment of legitimate healthcare claims. This ensures that your loved one’s mediBucks are strictly reserved for medical expenses only, safeguarding the spending of mediBucks from any form of unwarranted, or wasteful expenditure. The healthcare provider is paid directly from mediBucks, ensuring fast and efficient payment of medical claims.

mediBucks gives your loved one quick and convenient access to care as soon as a primary healthcare concern arises, with extended access to the Universal network of over 3800 GPs where care requires a consultation with a doctor.

And, as a mediBucks user, your dependant will have free access to Universal’s telephonic psychosocial helpline for 24-hour round-the-clock mental wellness support, ensuring that their mental health is not overlooked.

Furthermore, mediBucks seamlessly links your loved one to the uConsult online healthcare consultation platform, offering easy accessible and convenient online healthcare at affordable pre-negotiated rates.

How does it work?

For a minimal subscription fee from just R9.50 per month:

  • Open a mediBucks top-up facility linked to you and/or your dependant’s mobile phone.
  • You deposit an amount of your choice to top-up mediBucks on behalf of your loved one.
  • At the point of service, the healthcare provider submits the claim directly to mediBucks.
  • Your dependant simply authorises payment via mobile phone.
  • mediBucks can be topped up by you at any time, should the need arise.
  • Your loved one is also able to top-up their mediBucks should they be in a position to do so.
  • The mediBucks balance and transaction history are easily checked via mediBucks’ mobile services.
  • With mediBucks your loved one will not lose what they do not use, as any unused mediBucks are simply carried over annually into the next year.

Healthcare access for those who depend on you – make your life a whole lot easier, together with mediBucks.

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Call: 0861 819280

